Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Extra Credit: Surreal Interior Room

Food Photography: Editing Bad Photos

For this photograph I thought the background was too cluttered so I zoomed in on the food and erased everything else. I also dodged certain areas and adjusted the brightness.

For this one I decided to think about depth-of-field by cropping the photo and blurring the background (which, in order for it to really work, I had to increase the strength of the tool from 50 to 100). I also used the sharpen tool on the cupcakes just to show more contrast.

For the last one I wanted to zoom in on the mac and cheese because I thought it was hard to see the details from the original photo. I cropped the image, adjusted the brightness, and dodged it a little for good measure.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Food Photography

In order to create tasty-looking food photographs, follow these ten tips:

1. Use a simple background that contrasts the food.
2. Adjust the white balance so that meat doesn't get a bluish tint.
3. Take the picture during the day with natural light and avoid the flash button.
4. Use a tripod so that the photograph remains still.
5. Have nice, little details such as clean spoons and plates to make it look enticing.
6. Zoom in close to capture interesting detail.
7. Cut up small bites so that you can see the inside textures.
8. Take photos using different angles.
9. Include a prop like a beverage or a special plate.
10. Think about a shallow depth-of-field. 

Cool Culinary Art:

Monday, February 11, 2013

Surrealism: Part One

Surrealism is a style of art that combines realistic and fantasy elements to create a dream-like image. 
There are 6 elements of Surrealism:

1. Transparency- making something see-through

2. Scale- making an object larger or smaller than usual.

 3. Levitation- making objects float.

4. Transformation- Having something change into something else.

 5. Dislocation- removing an object from its usual place.

6. Juxtaposition- putting two objects together that usually don't go together.